This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV
In my prayer time, the Lord reminded me to rejoice in what He has planned for me for today. This is what I heard Him saying to us:
I know that you are tired of waiting for change. I know you are ready to see the new things I am going to do, so that you can build with me. But, know this, you have plenty of time to build “the new” with me.
Enjoy these days. Be present with your family, and those I have put around you, today. Do not miss the joys of today wishing for the promises of the future. Enjoy today’s adventure – Whatever that looks like. Enjoy today’s relationships. Enjoy today’s treasures. Enjoy the moments of today.
Do not long for the past, nor long for the future. Do not long for people who you can’t be with today. Do not long for things that are not currently in your life.
Rejoice in who, and what, you have here, now, today, in your life. Love them, love yourself, love me, and be thankful for all you have in your life today. Because, today is exactly as I want it to be for you. Today is the gift I have for you. Today.
The Lord further reminds us “Yes, I want you to hope, and have faith, in the things I have told you about your future. But, do not long for it, and therefore miss, the joys of today.”
Be blessed and enjoy today!