
Why all the squawking and shrieking?

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Blue Jay Photo from Pixabay

Today, while Mom and I were sitting on the porch the blue jays in the trees in our backyard started squawking – or more like shrieking – like a sound I’d never heard before.
Skeee-walk… skeee-walk…

shreeeeak… shreeeeak…

jayer… jayer…

And it went on & on & on…
And the longer it lasted, it seemed like more birds were joining in!

I was starting to get irritated. I thought to myself, “Why won’t they be quiet?” I was getting so annoyed I was thinking I should go shoo them away somehow. But they were up in the tree too high. Surely there had to be a way to get them to be quiet…


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Happy 2019!

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dream big

It is a new year.

SO, let me begin by asking you, “What is your dream?”

Your big dream.

What is it that you want to accomplish in your life? What is it that you care about? What is your passion? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What is your big dream? How can it ever be accomplished?

Pulitzer-winning writer Katherine Anne Porter observed: “I am appalled at the aimlessness of most people’s lives. Fifty percent don’t pay any attention to where they are going; forty percent are undecided and will go in any direction. Only ten percent know what they want and some of them don’t even move toward it.”

Will you decide that this year you will be focused and not aimless?

The new year means a new start. What will you do differently this year to move toward making your dream a reality?

That is what my book “Dream Big – Start Small – Start Now” is all about.

I have developed some simple tools that can help you get more clarity and stay focused in your life. Throughout the book, I use a simple tool I developed that I call the “Focus Funnel” to help you get clarity on your Big Dream, and stay focused as you Start Small, and Start Now with the tasks that need to be completed to make your dream a reality.

Here is a story about a conversation I have had several times through the years…

The seminar was starting in about thirty minutes. I was setting up my computer, and getting ready for the lecture portion of the class. One of the women registered as a student for the training came up to me.

“I want to write a book,” she said. “It has always been my dream.”

“Then you need to write your book,” I said. “You can do it.”

“But, I never have the time,” she said. “I have a job and a family. I never have time to get away and write my novel.”

“You don’t need to get away to write it,” I said. “You need to start on it now, where you are.”

“But, I would never have time,” she said.

“If you write one page a day, you’ll have 365 pages by this time next year,” I said. “That is plenty of pages for a book.”

“Wow,” she replied. “I never thought of it like that.”

“So, my assignment to you is this,” I said. “Write one page today. Start now. Today. You have a few minutes before we start the class. Go get some paper, and begin writing it now. Then, write some more during lunch, and during our dinner break. By the end of today, you should have one page.”

“It can’t be that simple,” she said.

“I have written over 50 books,” I replied. “It is just that simple. Start small, and start now.”

She did. By the end of the day she had a title, an outline, and three pages written for her book.

Dream Big: Write a book

Start Small: Write one page

Start Now: Immediately. Today. Now!

DreamBig-_frontcoverMake this year the year your dreams come true! 

If you can dream it, you can do it. 

Learn how by ordering Diane Wigstone’s new book “Dream Big – Start Small – Start Now” today!

You can order the book on the DestinyCenter.com website: http://www.destinycenter.com/read?limit=100&product_id=461

Don’t Worry

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Philippians 4:6 & 7 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

frightened-1172122_960_720It sure seems like an easy thing to worry. Everyday, problems come our way, and we have a choice. We can either decide to worry and be anxious, or we can turn everything over to God, knowing that He is in control.

Philippians 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
When we are anxious and troubled, our minds become anxious and troubled & consumed with the problem or situation.

When we are consumed with the problem, we focus on all the negatives, not all the positives. Focusing on all the negatives causes us to have toxins released in our bodies that make us ill. We literally make ourselves sick by the constant focus on our problems and being anxious about the situation.

So, God gives us the answer…  Read More

Opportunity knocks

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Walter P. Chrysler said, “The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers.”

Are you ready to open the door when opportunity knocks?

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

How can you be ready to open the door?

One way is to know what your vision is. Know what you are called to do.

That is what Diane Wigstones’s book “Dream Big – Start Small – Start Now” is all about.
Diane has developed some simple tools that can help you get more clarity and stay focused in your life. Throughout the book, she uses a simple tool she developed called the “Focus Funnel” to help you get clarity on your vision and your life calling. It will help you stay focused as you Dream Big, Start Small, and Start Now with the tasks that need to be completed to make your dream a reality.

Remember, sometimes we are the ones that need to knock!

Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Luke 11:9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Be ready when opportunity knocks! 

If you can dream it, you can do it. 

Learn how by ordering Diane Wigstone’s new book “Dream Big – Start Small – Start Now” today!

You can order the book on the DestinyCenter.com website: http://www.destinycenter.com/readlimit=100&product_id=461


Happy Mother’s Day

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I Love You Mom! 
by Elizabeth W. Drake
There is nothing as special 
As a Mother’s Love 
Created and sent 
By God above
A Mother loves at all times
And in so many ways
Making your life special
Even on ordinary days
A skinned up knee
A broken heart
No matter what hurts
She’ll do her part
To make you smile 
And be joyful again
She’ll cheer you on
She knows you’ll win
A million things 
A Mother will do 
All because 
She loves you…

We hope you enjoyed part of this poem from the book “I Love You Mom!” by Elizabeth W. Drake.

The next few months we will be featuring some of our friends, and Destiny Center Authors, as guest bloggers. This month, in honor of Mother’s day, we wanted to feature part of this poem from Elizabeth W. Drake’s book, “I Love You Mom!” which is available on Kindle.  It is a beautiful book based on one poem, from a series of poems, written by Elizabeth W. Drake about the Love of a Mother.

The book “I Love You Mom!”, featuring exquisite photography and poetry, is a perfect gift for your Mother for Mother’s Day, her Birthday, or any special occasion! She has three books available on Kindle from this series. If you are interested there are links to the books below.

We also hope you have a wonderful Mother’s day with your Mom, and / or your children, or family or friends that you want to celebrate as great Moms!

Personally, I am so blessed to have the BEST Mom in the world! I hope that you feel the same way about your Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day!

May blessings –  Diane 🙂

If you are interested in getting this book by Elizabeth W. Drake, or any of her other books Destiny Center has published, they are available from our website, and on Kindle. Here are the links…

ILYMI Love You Mom! by Elizabeth W. Drake

A beautiful book based on one poem, from a series of poems, written by Elizabeth W. Drake about the Love of a Mother. The book “I Love You Mom!”, featuring exquisite photography and poetry is a perfect gift for your Mother for her Birthday, Mother’s Day, or any special occasion!



Other books from Elizabeth W. Drake:

AMLA Mother’s Love by Elizabeth W. Drake 

A Mother’s Love 
Will always be 
The dearest thing 
In life to me…



MML“My Mother’s Love” by Elizabeth W. Drake 

When I felt alone
Without a friend
My Mother’s Love
Helped me to mend
When I felt afraid 
And didn’t know what to do 
My Mother’s Love 
Always got me through…


CEThe Corporate Escape by Elizabeth W. Drake

“The Corporate Escape” takes you on a Romantic Adventure the other side of the world and back, as Lynn & Paul’s exciting love story leads them to America, New Zealand, Australia and Tahiti. This is Elizabeth W. Drake’s first novel in the new International Romance Novels Series, Kingdom Romance Novels, Published by KEI.


About the Author: Elizabeth W. Drake is active in Worldwide Missions and lives with her family in the United States of America. Her novels, featured in the Destiny Center/ KEI new International Christian Romance Series, lead you on an international escapade. You will go with the characters in their faith filled romantic adventures, as they travel the world to exotic Global Locations. Her poetry, about the Love of a Mother, has been published in a series of books featuring exquisite photography and poetry.