2022 November

It’s Time

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This week the Lord was speaking to me about “It’s Time, and “Big Doors.”

It was a very long and detailed word. I want to share part of what He said, with you, as I feel this is for you as well.

The Lord says, “The doors I am about to open for you are BIG DOORS – they are HUGE doors.

They are bigger than you have ever truly anticipated. But, you are ready.

And, when the doors open, you will know that it is Me.

And, you will know it is my timing and my plan.

All you have to do, is walk through the open doors.

It is time.

This is a new season, in the new ERA, of the Kingdom Age.

You were created for such a time as this.

For such a time as this!” 

Then, just after the Lord told me this word, about it being TIME, I got a text that a package had been delivered to my front door. I went to see what it was. It was a watch that a friend had ordered for me for my Birthday. A watch! Yes, Lord, it is time!

So, today, I want to give you a great reminder, that it is time!

Our free gift this month is a link to a special Music Video of our friends Rock song, Revolution Anthem. It is time.

This song is written, and sung, by a long time friend of our ministry, Bradley DeRuiter, 
and features his wife Kimiya DeRuiter. You can also see many of our friends in the video Bill Peters, Rachel and Nathan Johnson, Taljon DeRuiter, and Al Rondon, among others.

Know that we love you, we believe in you, and we are praying for you! It’s time!