Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
35 Cry out, “Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise.” 1 Chronicles 16:34 &35 NIV
Thanks. Giving.
I have been thinking a lot again these last few weeks about what Thanksgiving means, and was struck by the two words found in the one… Thanks. Giving. I have been pondering thanks, (gratitude) and giving, and how they impacts our lives.
Thanks. Without gratitude, our attitude becomes toxic – literally. I discuss how what we think has direct repercussions on our health in my book, Master Your Mind. We must stay thankful to stay healthy! I believe our attitude will affect how successful we are in all areas of our lives. I want to be thankful at all times.
Giving. I think there is a similar principle for our finances. Without giving, our finances become ‘all about us’… and that can be toxic to your finances! I believe we must give with a cheerful heart for our finances to stay healthy! I want to be generous at all times.
Many years ago, I heard about Robert Gilmore LeTourneau. RG LeTourneau was a prolific inventor and held nearly 300 patents. He was a very successful businessman, whose earthmoving equipment, and Engineering vehicles, represented nearly 70 percent of the machines used during World War II. The University he founded, LeTourneau University, is still among the top of its kind, and “unapologetically Christian”.
But what struck me about his story, was not how much money he made, but how much money he gave! RG, during his day, was called “God’s Businessman”, and was known for his extravagant giving. LeTourneau gave 90% of all he made, and lived on 10%. He called it the “reverse tithe.”
I want to be like that! Read More
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