2021 July

Go For Gold Kids Books

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A few weeks ago, my nephew sent me a video about how to publish kids ebooks on Kindle. I already have over 50 books that I have written available on Amazon, but only a few are available as ebooks on Kindle.

But, his email got me thinking…

A few years ago I was honored to go with YWAM to our Olympic outreach in Australia. I was part of the Media team interviewing Christian athletes for a documentary. I can’t go to the Olympic outreach this year, but maybe I can still create some content that encourages kids to do their best, and to know that prayer works. I decided to write and publish a few new kids ebooks about athletes going for gold medals, just in time for the Olympics.

I have three new kids e-books out for the Olympics, available on Amazon. They are published under the Destiny Center name, which is one of my publishing companies. These are “picture books” for little kids, from baby on up to about age 10.

If you have KindleUnlimited you can read them ALL for free. (After you do, if you like them, write a great review! Five stars…) 🙂 You can tell all your friends too – as the books are available, this month, for FREE for anyone with KindleUnlimited. Here is the link to the series to get you all three books: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B099CBGNFS

If you don’t have KindleUnlimited, you can still download one of the books for FREE on your Superstar Member’s page. The link to the pdf copy of the ebook will be available TODAY through next Friday.

P.S. Maybe it’s time for you to write and publish one of your books! Our “How to Write Your Non-fiction book” class can help you get started and get it done. You can find more info here: https://www.ywamhollywood.com/course/index.php?categoryid=4