2020 May

God has a plan for this generation!

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

God has a plan for this generation! And, you are key to God’s plan! We are living in unprecedented times. Many YWAM schools worldwide have been cancelled. YWAM Hollywood has been praying, during this unusual season, about how we can help you to live the EPIC life that God created you to live.

We have come up with a few significant ways to help. This month I’d like to share with you one way we are looking to help you fulfill your destiny no matter where you are.

New online YWAM Hollywood School to open this fall!

University of the Nations Online Training –  YWAM’s University of the Nations began allowing online courses to be approved for credit through UofN a few years ago and we felt that, this year, we needed to focus on implementing an online curriculum to be offered through YWAM Hollywood.

We are spending this summer setting up an online school and developing courses to help you be all you are created to be. We currently have 7 courses that have been approved for College Credit with the University of the Nations. We have plans to add many more classes over the next few years, and we have several teachers that are considering or developing courses.

We have been working on this vision for over 20 years and have been actively developing an online curriculum for the last 5 years. It is a huge project and we are thrilled to share the exciting news that the online classes will be available this fall!

Stay tuned for more information!