2016 September

Adventures in Publishing…

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For several months this year, we will be featuring some of the Destiny Center Authors as guest bloggers. This month we will hear from the Author of “The Creatively Imagined Explanation of Gabriel’s Blue Giraffe,” Kimiya DeRuiter.

It has been a thrill and an experimental adventure publishing my first children’s book. I am so thankful to my publisher and all who have encouraged and supported me in this journey.

The Creatively Imagined Explanation of Gabriel’s Blue Giraffe is an invitation to explore the maybe’s and perhapses of the limitless world of imagination. By nurturing, igniting, and fueling the adventure of discovery and plain old making stuff up, it is the ancient belief that we are created to create and expand our world into new worlds of thinking and inventing in partnership with our Divine Designer.

TaljonAside from just plain old fun, writing this book is my intentional effort to counter the loss and depletion of children’s imagination and recapture and mine the Gold in our #‎NextGen of Discoverers, Inventors, Writers, Filmmakers, Problem Solvers and Artrepreneurs.


My B&B&B&KBook Signing at Pasadena Central Library’s Author & Arts Fair was such fun. Honestly, I was overwhelmed with

gratitude towards all of the people that came out to support me and do a happy dance with me over the joy of getting my children’s book published and show casing it’s debut at the Pasadena Central Library. Feeling like the newbie on the block to all of this, it is an honor to run with a tribe of authors that have accomplished so much themselves.


Remember, today is a day to be creative!

“Maybe or Perhaps we could make stuff up and just use our imaginations today!”




COVER-front-GabrielsBlueGiraffe-sm-228x228ABOUT the BOOK: The Creatively Imagined Explanation of Gabriel’s Blue Giraffe is an invitation to explore the maybe’s and perhapses of the limitless world of imagination. By nurturing, igniting, and fueling the adventure of discovery and plain old making stuff up, it is the ancient belief that we are created to create and expand our world into new worlds of thinking and inventing in partnership with our Divine Designer.

Kimiya 2015-cr


ABOUT the AUTHOR: Kimiya DeRuiter is “Maybe Perhaps” one of the most unconventional thinkers on the education system and it’s implemented practice. As an administrator for ICAN Children’s Village she is proactive in this influence. As a mom, wife, educator, artist, and business woman, she is childlike in faith and simple minded enough to boldly go where no wonderment has stumbled upon before.

Click here to buy Kimiya’s book The Creatively Imagined Explanation of Gabriel’s Blue Giraffe