2023 July

Welcome Back to School – Fall Semester 2023

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

God has a plan for you to make a difference in the world! You are key to the success of God’s plan! But, at times you feel overwhelmed. You wonder, “Where do I start? How can I know what I am called to do?” Remember, you are not alone. We are here to help. We’ve trained students on location for the last 40 years from over 100 countries. And now, you can take some of our great courses online!

All of our University Credit Courses and Certification Courses are now on a Semester Schedule and start in either August 15 or January 15. You can enroll anytime, but the course will not be available for grading until the semester cycle of August or January.

Classes start in just a couple of weeks on August 15, 2023! Enroll now for the 2023 Fall Semester!