
Welcome Back to School – Fall Semester 2023

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

God has a plan for you to make a difference in the world! You are key to the success of God’s plan! But, at times you feel overwhelmed. You wonder, “Where do I start? How can I know what I am called to do?” Remember, you are not alone. We are here to help. We’ve trained students on location for the last 40 years from over 100 countries. And now, you can take some of our great courses online!

All of our University Credit Courses and Certification Courses are now on a Semester Schedule and start in either August 15 or January 15. You can enroll anytime, but the course will not be available for grading until the semester cycle of August or January.

Classes start in just a couple of weeks on August 15, 2023! Enroll now for the 2023 Fall Semester!

Enjoy today

Posted by | Destiny, Discipleship, Missions, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV

In my prayer time, the Lord reminded me to rejoice in what He has planned for me for today. This is what I heard Him saying to us:

I know that you are tired of waiting for change. I know you are ready to see the new things I am going to do, so that you can build with me. But, know this, you have plenty of time to build “the new” with me.

Enjoy these days. Be present with your family, and those I have put around you, today. Do not miss the joys of today wishing for the promises of the future. Enjoy today’s adventure – Whatever that looks like. Enjoy today’s relationships. Enjoy today’s treasures. Enjoy the moments of today.

Do not long for the past, nor long for the future. Do not long for people who you can’t be with today. Do not long for things that are not currently in your life.

Rejoice in who, and what, you have here, now, today, in your life. Love them, love yourself, love me, and be thankful for all you have in your life today. Because, today is exactly as I want it to be for you. Today is the gift I have for you. Today.

The Lord further reminds us “Yes, I want you to hope, and have faith, in the things I have told you about your future. But, do not long for it, and therefore miss, the joys of today.”

Be blessed and enjoy today!

Faith in action

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Devotions, Discipleship, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

Loren Cunningham holding plaque with photo of him and the hay wagon!

For all the promises of God are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him, our “Amen” is spoken to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 BSB

Last week, YWAM had an international gathering conference call with all of the YWAM bases in North America, Central America, and South America. Over 800 individual connections were made to the video conference call. At least 3000 people participated. We had the opportunity to hear from ministry leaders Jim Steir, John Dawson, and YWAM co-founder Loren Cunningham. It was an amazing time to reconnect.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Loren has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. In November they told him he had just a few weeks to live. Now, six months later, he is still here with us. It was such a special moment to hear from him. He shared his current vision for the future, to have oral mother tongue Bible translations in every mother tongue in the world, and encouraged us to pray about what role we might have in seeing that vision fulfilled.

He also shared with us stories from the past. He told the story of how God gave YWAM a property in Switzerland back in 1974. I want to share the testimony of Loren’s adventure with God about that experience, so you can see how it has shaped the values of YWAM internationally.

Loren Cunningham with photo of him and the hay wagon!

In 1974, the Lord spoke to Loren, and told him that He was going to give Loren a farm for YWAM. Loren believed that he needed to take an action of faith towards what the Lord had told him. The next day there was an auction at a nearby farm. Loren went, and he bought an old Hay wagon. He brought the Hay wagon back and parked it next to the current location of the ministry. Of course people were curious. Everyone asked him, “What’s up with the old Hay wagon?”

Loren told them how God had shared with him that God was going to give him a farm for YWAM. Soon others in the ministry were saying, “Well, if God’s going to give you a farm for YWAM, then He’s going to give us all a farm.“ Loren told them that they had to pray, and ask God to confirm to them that God was going to give them the farm as well. Loren believed that each person needed to have confirmation directly from the Lord, not just follow what the Lord had told him.

Soon, everyone had prayed and got confirmation from the Lord, and each embraced the promise as their own. One girl, who was from Switzerland, told her father that the Lord was going to give YWAM a farm. And, that, in faith, they had bought a Hay wagon. She had fully accepted the promise, and the vision, as her own.

A few weeks later, her father was speaking with a farmer that was there in Switzerland. The farmer mentioned that the Lord had told him he was going to give a farm to a ministry. He asked if the man knew of any ministry that needed a farm. The man said, “Yes! The Lord told YWAM that they were going to be given a farm, and in faith they have already bought a Hay wagon.” That was all the confirmation that the farmer needed and soon he gave the farm to YWAM. Loren then found out, that years before, the farm also was an orphanage. So, there were places to live on the property. There was a cafeteria, and a kitchen. The farm became a place for the ministry to house staff as well as students.

God is faithful!

I want to encourage you, that whatever ministry organization you are working with, pray, and get confirmation from the Lord that the vision that they have is also your vision. Because, until you own the vision, you will not be fully committed to what God has for that ministry. Then take action, in faith, to move towards seeing the promise and the vision fulfilled.

Co-create with God

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Devotions, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

Every place where you set your foot will be yours. Deuteronomy 11:24 NIV

Earlier this week, I watched a worship service on my computer. During the service, the leader said that he sensed a lot of disappointment that needed to be dealt with, expressed, and turned over to God. I realized, that although I have had a lot of success in my life, I have also had a lot of disappointment. I paused the worship service, and I went to the Lord in prayer. I spent a long time expressing all my disappointments, from all the years, to the Lord. I gave each of them to Jesus, and I said I didn’t want them back – ever. And, then, I began to thank and praise Jesus for His perfect plan for my life.

I realized the truth, that those things that disappointed me were not really failures, or rejections, they were God‘s protection.

I also realized that I have had some of the wrong objectives in the past. My objective has been to reach a lot of people with the message, or the art, and to also make money from my craft. Which, when you get down to it, is ‘fame and fortune.’

Instead, my objective should be to impact the spirit realm. When we master a craft, and become an expert by doing it, we then gain authority in the spirit, as well as in the natural, in that area. For example: I have authority, in the spirit, in the film world because I am a film maker. I am a Producer, Director, editor, scriptwriter, songwriter, and movie actress. Been there, done that. That means in the spirit, I own the territory. I have walked that land, I have set my foot in that arena. I own the territory. I have increased authority to pray, declare, and decree, in that area, because I have gained the authority by doing it.

I also realized, that often, in the Bible, the prophetic acts related to the arts were not to gain an audience, but instead were to do something in the spirit. For example: God had Ezekiel build an entire model of Jerusalem. The model was what we might compare to a miniature set to use for a stop action movie. Then he acted out, with that model, the siege of Jerusalem. Because he created the ‘art’ that the Lord showed him to create, the siege happened just as he had acted it out. (Read details in Ezekiel 4.)

Our creations have power in them as we co-create with God, whether anyone ever sees them, or hears them, or not.  Maybe, it’s not about success, but instead it’s about what it does in the spirit, and what it does in my own skills and ability arsenal, and my authority.

I want to challenge you this week to look at your creative gifting in a new light. Let go of the disappointments of past projects. Realize that as you co-create with God, your creation has power to accomplish things in the spirit, simply because of your obedience. In addition, as you become an expert in an area, you gain authority in the spirit to really be the church – the Ecclesia, or legislative body – in that area. You have increased your authority in the spirit because of your expertise in the natural. You own the territory.

Remember, when you create something, it could be that you are creating it simply to release the power of the creation. In addition, the authority you have gained as you created, could be to teach others. It also could be to have the authority in the spirit to pray, and declare, and decree, and legislate in that area. I challenge you to take time to create something this week, simply to own the territory.

Welcome Back to School

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

God has a plan for you to make a difference in the world! You are key to the success of God’s plan! But, at times you feel overwhelmed. You wonder, “Where do I start? How can I know what I am called to do?” Remember, you are not alone. We are here to help. We’ve trained students on location for the last 40 years from over 100
countries. And now, you can take some of our great courses online!

School is OPEN!

We are excited to announce that our YWAM Hollywood Online School is up and running. Woohooo! 🙂 Our first few University of the Nations College Credit classes are now available to take online! You can take them anytime – anywhere! We are offering courses in three areas: Ministry Courses, Leadership Courses, and Creative Courses. It is wonderful to see a vision fulfilled – even if it is just the beginning!

As we mentioned earlier this year, we spent the summer setting up an online school and developing courses to help you be all you are created to be. We currently have 7 courses that have been approved for College Credit with the University of the Nations. We have plans to add many more classes over the next few years, and we have several teachers that are considering or developing courses.

Three of the University of the Nations courses are now available for you to enroll in to take online with YWAM Hollywood for College Credit.

Courses that are now available:

Ministry Courses:

10 Basic Daily Disciplines of Your Christian Walk

Leadership Courses:

Discover & Do Your Destiny

Creative Courses:

How to Write Your Nonfiction Book

Success to share!

Getting the school set up has been a lot more work than we ever thought it would be! But knowing that we are going to be able to help you fulfill your destiny has kept us focused on finishing the plan! We’ve had this vision for over 20 years and have been actively developing an online curriculum for the last 5. It is a huge project and we are thrilled to share our success with you. It is so exciting that the online classes have now begun! Special Thanks to those who have been helping to make this a reality!

Take a class today and together we can change the world for Jesus! 

You’re a Superstar!

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

You are called to greatness. You are called to make a difference in the world.  We are clearly living in unprecedented times. Many people have had their lives changed in radical ways that they never would have dreamed possible. YWAM Hollywood has been praying, during these crazy times, about how we can help you to live the EPIC life that God created you to live.

Now, more than ever, you need to be the Superstar you were created to be! But, you don’t know where to start! We want to help. We have come up with a few significant ways to help you do what you’re called to do. This month I’d like to share with you one way we are looking to help you fulfill your destiny during and be the Superstar you are created to be!

 Superstar Club!

We have started a new “Superstar Club” for our students to help them be all they are created to be. Every week we email all our students to Encourage, Prepare, Inspire, and Challenge them to live their EPIC life! And, each month we give them something free – a free training class, or a free ebook, or a free song, or a free photograph, or a free typography picture, or a free painting to check out, or a free music video, or a free podcast, or something else great…

And now, you can join the SUPERSTAR Club too – Even before you take a class!

Joining the Superstar Club is easy as 1 – 2 – 3!

1. Go to our ywamHollywood.com log in page HERE and Click the “Create New Account” button at the bottom.

2. Sign up using your name and email address in the “Create New Account” form.

3. We will send you an email with a link for you to confirm your new Superstar Club membership

Yes, it’s that easy!



All of us at YWAM Hollywood are excited to help you be the SUPERSTAR in the EPIC story of your life!

Jesus said, “Go!”

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

Jesus said, “Go!”

It is called “The Great Commission.” Let’s read Matthew 28:18-20: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.”

It is hard to ‘go’ when you are forced to ‘stay home.’ The whole situation with the recent pandemic has shown us all just how quickly our ability to ‘GO’ can be stopped. It is an unusual time for missions, for sure. That’s why we have been focusing on how we can help people succeed – wherever they are! YWAM Hollywood has been praying, during these unprecedented times, about how we can help you to live the EPIC life that God created you to live.

We have come up with a few significant ways to help you fulfill your destiny no matter where you are. YWAM Hollywood has been working on being global and mobile for the last several years. Now we are taking it to another level for you!

New online YWAM Hollywood School to open this fall!

Our new online YWAM Hollywood School is going to open this fall! We are offering courses in three areas: Ministry Courses, Leadership Courses, and Creative Courses. It is wonderful to see a vision fulfilled – even if it is just the beginning!

More information to come soon!

God has a plan for this generation!

Posted by | Arts, Bible Study, Destiny, Discipleship, Media & Entertainment, Missions, Training, Worship & the Arts | No Comments

God has a plan for this generation! And, you are key to God’s plan! We are living in unprecedented times. Many YWAM schools worldwide have been cancelled. YWAM Hollywood has been praying, during this unusual season, about how we can help you to live the EPIC life that God created you to live.

We have come up with a few significant ways to help. This month I’d like to share with you one way we are looking to help you fulfill your destiny no matter where you are.

New online YWAM Hollywood School to open this fall!

University of the Nations Online Training –  YWAM’s University of the Nations began allowing online courses to be approved for credit through UofN a few years ago and we felt that, this year, we needed to focus on implementing an online curriculum to be offered through YWAM Hollywood.

We are spending this summer setting up an online school and developing courses to help you be all you are created to be. We currently have 7 courses that have been approved for College Credit with the University of the Nations. We have plans to add many more classes over the next few years, and we have several teachers that are considering or developing courses.

We have been working on this vision for over 20 years and have been actively developing an online curriculum for the last 5 years. It is a huge project and we are thrilled to share the exciting news that the online classes will be available this fall!

Stay tuned for more information!

Why all the squawking and shrieking?

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Blue Jay Photo from Pixabay

Today, while Mom and I were sitting on the porch the blue jays in the trees in our backyard started squawking – or more like shrieking – like a sound I’d never heard before.
Skeee-walk… skeee-walk…

shreeeeak… shreeeeak…

jayer… jayer…

And it went on & on & on…
And the longer it lasted, it seemed like more birds were joining in!

I was starting to get irritated. I thought to myself, “Why won’t they be quiet?” I was getting so annoyed I was thinking I should go shoo them away somehow. But they were up in the tree too high. Surely there had to be a way to get them to be quiet…


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Happy 2019!

Posted by | Destiny, Devotions, Discipleship, Training, Uncategorized | No Comments

dream big

It is a new year.

SO, let me begin by asking you, “What is your dream?”

Your big dream.

What is it that you want to accomplish in your life? What is it that you care about? What is your passion? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What is your big dream? How can it ever be accomplished?

Pulitzer-winning writer Katherine Anne Porter observed: “I am appalled at the aimlessness of most people’s lives. Fifty percent don’t pay any attention to where they are going; forty percent are undecided and will go in any direction. Only ten percent know what they want and some of them don’t even move toward it.”

Will you decide that this year you will be focused and not aimless?

The new year means a new start. What will you do differently this year to move toward making your dream a reality?

That is what my book “Dream Big – Start Small – Start Now” is all about.

I have developed some simple tools that can help you get more clarity and stay focused in your life. Throughout the book, I use a simple tool I developed that I call the “Focus Funnel” to help you get clarity on your Big Dream, and stay focused as you Start Small, and Start Now with the tasks that need to be completed to make your dream a reality.

Here is a story about a conversation I have had several times through the years…

The seminar was starting in about thirty minutes. I was setting up my computer, and getting ready for the lecture portion of the class. One of the women registered as a student for the training came up to me.

“I want to write a book,” she said. “It has always been my dream.”

“Then you need to write your book,” I said. “You can do it.”

“But, I never have the time,” she said. “I have a job and a family. I never have time to get away and write my novel.”

“You don’t need to get away to write it,” I said. “You need to start on it now, where you are.”

“But, I would never have time,” she said.

“If you write one page a day, you’ll have 365 pages by this time next year,” I said. “That is plenty of pages for a book.”

“Wow,” she replied. “I never thought of it like that.”

“So, my assignment to you is this,” I said. “Write one page today. Start now. Today. You have a few minutes before we start the class. Go get some paper, and begin writing it now. Then, write some more during lunch, and during our dinner break. By the end of today, you should have one page.”

“It can’t be that simple,” she said.

“I have written over 50 books,” I replied. “It is just that simple. Start small, and start now.”

She did. By the end of the day she had a title, an outline, and three pages written for her book.

Dream Big: Write a book

Start Small: Write one page

Start Now: Immediately. Today. Now!

DreamBig-_frontcoverMake this year the year your dreams come true! 

If you can dream it, you can do it. 

Learn how by ordering Diane Wigstone’s new book “Dream Big – Start Small – Start Now” today!

You can order the book on the DestinyCenter.com website: http://www.destinycenter.com/read?limit=100&product_id=461