Every place where you set your foot will be yours. Deuteronomy 11:24 NIV
Earlier this week, I watched a worship service on my computer. During the service, the leader said that he sensed a lot of disappointment that needed to be dealt with, expressed, and turned over to God. I realized, that although I have had a lot of success in my life, I have also had a lot of disappointment. I paused the worship service, and I went to the Lord in prayer. I spent a long time expressing all my disappointments, from all the years, to the Lord. I gave each of them to Jesus, and I said I didn’t want them back – ever. And, then, I began to thank and praise Jesus for His perfect plan for my life.
I realized the truth, that those things that disappointed me were not really failures, or rejections, they were God‘s protection.
I also realized that I have had some of the wrong objectives in the past. My objective has been to reach a lot of people with the message, or the art, and to also make money from my craft. Which, when you get down to it, is ‘fame and fortune.’
Instead, my objective should be to impact the spirit realm. When we master a craft, and become an expert by doing it, we then gain authority in the spirit, as well as in the natural, in that area. For example: I have authority, in the spirit, in the film world because I am a film maker. I am a Producer, Director, editor, scriptwriter, songwriter, and movie actress. Been there, done that. That means in the spirit, I own the territory. I have walked that land, I have set my foot in that arena. I own the territory. I have increased authority to pray, declare, and decree, in that area, because I have gained the authority by doing it.
I also realized, that often, in the Bible, the prophetic acts related to the arts were not to gain an audience, but instead were to do something in the spirit. For example: God had Ezekiel build an entire model of Jerusalem. The model was what we might compare to a miniature set to use for a stop action movie. Then he acted out, with that model, the siege of Jerusalem. Because he created the ‘art’ that the Lord showed him to create, the siege happened just as he had acted it out. (Read details in Ezekiel 4.)
Our creations have power in them as we co-create with God, whether anyone ever sees them, or hears them, or not. Maybe, it’s not about success, but instead it’s about what it does in the spirit, and what it does in my own skills and ability arsenal, and my authority.
I want to challenge you this week to look at your creative gifting in a new light. Let go of the disappointments of past projects. Realize that as you co-create with God, your creation has power to accomplish things in the spirit, simply because of your obedience. In addition, as you become an expert in an area, you gain authority in the spirit to really be the church – the Ecclesia, or legislative body – in that area. You have increased your authority in the spirit because of your expertise in the natural. You own the territory.
Remember, when you create something, it could be that you are creating it simply to release the power of the creation. In addition, the authority you have gained as you created, could be to teach others. It also could be to have the authority in the spirit to pray, and declare, and decree, and legislate in that area. I challenge you to take time to create something this week, simply to own the territory.
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