2012 December

Hollywood Bowl Prayer 12-12-12

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Hollywood Bowl Prayer 12-12-12

For the last several years we have held small prayer meetings at the Hollywood Bowl on “Year/Month/Day”.

8-8-8, 9-9- 9, 10-10-10, & 11-11-11. (and an added one on 1-1- 11)

Now we feel that this special 5 year assignment came to a close this month, on 12-12- 12.

We hosted another gathering of some great friends who have Apostolic & Prophetic callings and authority in Hollywood that all came together to pray for what God has on His heart for Hollywood.

We had an amazing time, with amazing people!

We will continue to have prayer times at our dear Hollywood Bowl, but feel this special “Year/Month/Day” assignment has been successfully completed.

Thanks for all your prayers for us and for Hollywood!